Yup, I'm already starting this off with F-bombs!

My apologies, did you think this was an ordinary magazine/ blogging site filled with fluff, cuteness, and whimsical charms of polished professionalism? To some degree yes, but mostly no!
I have been to the gates of hell, seen the light of heaven, and have had to deal with the human race for 40-plus years so excuse me if my tongue's filter is set to minus 3 degrees. To be honest, I'd rather get to the point and say what I'm thinking than add sugar to anything that isn't my tea and believe me I know tea!
So, what's the point of this? What purpose does this page serve and what use does it offer any reader that so happens to stumble upon it? Simply put, it's raw truth! No fillers, no half-ass overlay, and no fairytale motivation (well, maybe in the poetry and fiction section). It’s blunt honesty wrapped in hilarity, quirky puns, tear-jerking monologues, and pure vulnerability. A site built from the AASH!
My about page sums it up for the most part but my dear readers the meat and potatoes of this intricate Wonkaville is just getting started.
Welcome to the F*ckery!