S. Nicole and the Adventures of the 40 Plus Club
Hey, there Midlifers! I'm Shereese, creator and midlife adventurer of this nook of the digital world. Pull up a chair, grab a glass of wine, some Chumpies, and a chic-o-stick while I share a little bit about me and this amazing new venture--this blog!

Up Until Now
Let's see, where shall I start? Leaving Philly? Homelessness? Living with a 20-year-old? It's been quite a ride for this 44-year-old, and let me tell ya, I'm exhausted but I'm still going like an energizer bunny!
As of late, I am living in Florida and navigating the hilly terrains of life, finding balance with both self-preservation and creative passions.
Since galavanting to this Sunshine State or fire-roasted cornucopia, -depending on its heat index- I have released emotional burdens, worked through the pains of past relationships, and dug through the rubble of societal hindrances and upbringing to discover a new me. A beautiful and proud Black Woman with an array of creative insight, strength, and vulnerability to share.
What to Expect?
This blog represents the beautiful amalgamation of a two-year journey of self-discovery. It encapsulates everything that has emerged during this transformative period – from my YouTube Channel, S. Nicole, to my podcast Raw AASH, and my beloved creation, House of AASH. The latter is an emotional wellness page, a sanctuary brimming with articles focused on Black Emotional Management. These diverse platforms have been the key ingredients that ignited this exciting new trajectory known as Midlife Living.
S. Nicole is all me; the name, the raw, and the buff with no additives or fillers--like all my platforms--but this time I want to share my knowledge in a more personable way. One centered around being a Black Female who's open to a less formulated way of living and one who's embracing the endless possibilities of being a member of the 40-plus club.
Midlife Living is not your grandma's version filled with spending the last few decades in the hustle grind/9 to 5 mindset or becoming set to a routine of sitcoms and TV dinners but one filled with the Ms. Frizzle mentality; "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!" Life is worth exploring and is about indulging in everything it has to offer. Yes, it takes work but the work can look like anything you want. It can be splatters of color on a canvas, renovating a home, adding an array of words to the page, or exploring only fans--a story for another time! Life doesn't stop because of age, it only gets more interesting if you choose to embrace its magical and intricate folds.
So I triple dog dare you to take the leap and delve into your heart desires, date the soccer mom, throw axes at a wall, or live in your car and travel the lands. Whatever you decide it's ultimately your life to live and no one and nothing can tell you otherwise!
Until next time readers, welcome to my whimsical adventures of S. Nicole, Midlife Living, and stay tuned as the journey continues.
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