Midlife Living can be a whirlpool of new things, which include emotional, mental, and physical wellness. These things are crucial when we shift at the midpoint of life or at any point during our lives. With that, I want to share 6 valuable lessons I’ve mastered since embarking on this middle-age terrain.
1. Do It Afraid
Doing things afraid or scared is very different from doing it fearlessly. For one, you are not always “fearless” when embarking on something new, and two, being fearful of the unknown is natural.
As midlifers, we are in newfound territory and that territory comes with so many hormonal, physical, and emotional shifts. In addition, we have to navigate the fields of societal judgments, expectations, and ridicule. As we age, not only does our vitality start to deplete but so does our value in the eyes of the world and to deviate from that “expectation” can be more trying than squeezing in those jeans from 15 years ago.
Doing things afraid means challenging the norm and bulldozing through the walls of society. It means stretching yourself beyond what you know and getting curious about what you don't. It's about overcoming your thoughts of hindrance and embracing the badass you that you are. So get out there and do your thang nervous and all.
2. Make Mistakes
From AI to Google, the window for making mistakes is shrinking by the day. However, we can not change human fallibility and when maneuvering through the jungles of midlife we are going to make mistakes. Hell, we have made quite a few in the first few decades, so what are a few more fumbles going to hurt?
Making mistakes is a chef's way of finding out what seasonings work best for our lives and once you find that special blend to marinate your heart’s desire, there’s no stopping you. So get out there you well-seasoned pot roast. “Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy”, because being human does not equate to perfection. We are perfectly, imperfect!
3. Stand Firm in Your Convictions
When you know what you want and what you desire out of life nothing and no one should keep you from it. This takes a great deal of diligence and valor in order to stand firm in one's convictions. We live in a world where manipulation and second-guessing can sometimes overshadow our way of life but don’t let the outside noise dictate your direction. Take charge of your life because, after all, it’s your life.
4. Ask for help but use discernment
Asking for help can be a bit touch and go and sometimes cause us to feel embarrassed or small. However, asking for help when we truly need it is nothing to be ashamed of as we all need aid sometimes. On the contrary, where we choose to ask for help or receive it should definitely warrant a moment of discernment.
Some places that offer help have your best interest in mind while others can sometimes cause more detriment in the long run. Trust yourselves when seeking help from organizations, external sources, and even family and friends. Be sure to ask questions and be forthcoming with what you plan to do moving forward with their gracious help. This will give you the feedback you need to determine whether the help one is offering is genuine or tainted with an underlying agenda.
5. Trust Yourself
Coinciding with number 4, trusting yourself is key to life and midlife navigation. When we trust our gut instincts we can evade or minimize different hiccups that come with life’s beautifully intricate terrain. Trusting yourself or your intuition helps aid in knowing when to move and when to pause. So tap into those intuitive energies and trust your own inner compass.
6. Get to Know Who You Are
I can already hear the shouts, “I already know who I am”. Okay but do you know how to manage your emotions without masking or evading? Are you okay with your core beliefs, do they suit you or do you have questions? Have you experienced life in a way that wasn’t coerced or directed by someone else?
Getting to know who you are falls under so many umbrellas and takes a lot of revamping, scrapping, and introducing. Life changes for us almost every decade and with those changes come new experiences, challenges, and interpersonal relationships. This is how we learn what we like, and don’t like, what people we wish to surround ourselves with, and what careers and dreams we want to accomplish. Getting to know are most autonomous selves takes work, patience, and dedication so that in the long run we are more balanced emotionally, mentally, physically, and energetically.
Take Away
In conclusion, navigating midlife is a whole new world of adventure, and like when were kids we had to build and understand the lay of the land, but this time we get to reparent ourselves in a way that best suits our inner child and what illuminates our amazing hearts.
I hope these 6 bold and valuable lessons help you on your midlife journey so that you can continue to be your most badass self. In addition, and as a gift to help you along your extraordinary journey if you subscribe to my newsletter you will receive a free Emotional Mastery Self-Assessment filled with thought-provoking questions to help you navigate and understand your emotional design.
With that, I will catch you next time readers!
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