A wider view of self-exploration

Intimacy can, for the most part, be referred to as an interpersonal relationship of 2 or more people engaging in physical and emotional connectivity; usually sexually derived.
To be "intimate", can also mean getting to know something or someone on a more personable and cherished level. In my case, it's the intimacy of self.
For the better part of my life, I have been referred to as "the good girl" or "the timid and shy one"--Ha, little do most folks know. While the surface level has always displayed the catholic school girl persona, I've always had an urge or pull toward the sensually naughty side. The side labeled by some during the 80s, 90s, and even to this day is, dare I say it, immoral. My curiosity about the "wild side" or less acceptable parts of life dance like whimsical stories in my head, hence why I write so much! But this isn't simply about sexual fundamentals or risqué engagement--even though that zone is not off limits-- but the passions and intimacy of life as a whole.
Getting Intimate
Over the past few days, something within me has been screaming "Get intimate", meaning it's time to explore the crevices and valleys of my deepest desires, my passions, my talents, and my anatomy. Simply put, giving my inner vixen a time to shine!
Not only do I want a different view of my life but a different feeling and embodiment. I want to inquisitively explore things with confidence, seduction, less hesitation, a sense of dominance, and alluring appeal.
Whoa momma, slow your roll!
While this may sound a bit domineering and overzealous, for me it's actually not. It's finally taking charge of my life from a place of sovereignty and feminine energy. It's merging the loving, caring, and soft-hearted side of myself with the power of a lioness, the grace of a gazel, and the poise and sexual affluence of an Egyptian queen.
"Know thyself and all will be revealed"- Pamela Theresa Loertscher.
The past few years have been about breaking the old embedded mold, and now it's about unlocking and bringing to form the individual I've always envisioned myself to be. The woman I've only imagined in my daydreams or written in my stories. The human I've never had the courage to embrace or the big V energy to embody and show the world just how spectacular she truly is.
But oh hunty, she is here now!
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